Thursday, September 4, 2008

My Goodness -- I Am Famous

Hats off to Paul at Hammock Musings from Merida for his kind post today.  Imagine my surprise when I scrolled down through my links list this morning and saw his post.  To quote:

I recently discovered a new blog that might be of interest to you. It's Beto's Rambunctious Rambles. I will leave it up to you as to whether his views speak to you. (I had hoped to get away from political/religious views by moving South.) But what I am confident will interest you are the extensive links to blogs on Mexico sorted by states. It could be a good resource for occasionally checking out new blogs which have recently begun.

I do apologize if my snark offends, but sometimes craziness, is just, well, craziness

This is a new blog which is still getting tweaked but it is nearing a tolerable format.  I intend to continue to scrape the web for interesting sites as well as monitoring my list of links to ensure relativity.  Abandoned or non-producing sites will eventually be deleted in order to ensure a positive experience for those of you who choose to occasionally take a glance.  There are exceptions, such as Sinaloa Summer, a blog written over this summer of 2008 chronicling the experiences of Toni as she taught young folks English in a small community near Mazatlan.  Her story is so sweet and compelling I had to reread it in it's entirety the other day.

So, even though this blog is new, I am not new to computers, but that is another story.  I am constantly looking for tweaks, widgets, gadgets, add-ons and methods to make computer usage easier.  For instance, this post is edited using Blogger in Draft, Blogger's sort of development site for innovations yet to be rolled out to all users.   If you are interested, that is, if you are a Blogger blogger, click on the link in the About This Blog note on the upper right of the Blogger in Draft page.  It will take you to a login page for you to log in with your Google ID to check it out.  Remember that you do need to be logged in with your Google Account ID before you try to log in to Blogger in Draft (it is a cookie thing).  Otherwise you will get that ubiquitous "Do you have a Google account" page.  Yeah!!  sign up for a Google account now.

Once you are logged in to your dashboard, you will notice a check box on the upper right asking if you want to make Blogger in Draft your default mode.  Seeing that ensures that you are indeed in the Blogger in Draft mode.

Now you have some control over your images and other attributes.  For instance, drag down on the obscure little triangle in the lower right corner of the post editor frame.  Voila, an expanded editor box so one can finally see the entire darn post at one time.  Of course a long post still needs some scrolling, but that teeny little editor box Blogger gives us is, in my regard, pretty well useless.

Image handling is far superior with Blogger in Draft.  Browse for an image, or two or more, select the one you want use, mark the location with your cursor in the post editor where you want the image to go, and upload the image.  Voila !!  Now, double click on the image to bring up the image manipulation attributes and you will see you can resize, delete, or drag it left, right or center within that space.  Try it out and play with it.  I'll bet you will wish these attributes were there all along.  It sure beats Scribefire.

Abrazos -- Beto

1 comment:

Susan said...

Beto, Get on with it write about Mexico, find people that have visited and get their impressions! You have a nice start here!
And thanks for following my blog!